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Sun Country Golf Course


841 Saint Andrews Drive | Cle Elum, Washington

Perfectly centered between the thriving metropolises of Seattle and Bellevue and the fertile farmlands of Eastern Washington lies the Cascade Mountain Range – home to world-class recreation and Sun Country Golf Course and Homes. Recently completed and fully operational, Kittitas County’s “local” par 71 golf course boasts 18 manicured fairways and  greens comprising 5,715 yards and features more than 200 feet of elevation changes between the Yakima River and the ridge.  Purchase price includes 10 lots. 

Quick Facts

  • Located within 1 hr and 15 minutes of Bellevue. 1 hr and 30 minutes from most of Western Washington.

  • The closest recreation golf developments on the east side of Snoqualmie Pass.

  • Fabulous Alpine setting with views to both the East Valley as well as to the West looking at the Cascades.

  • Sun Country is located along the Yakima River, one of the state’s premium fly fishing rivers.

  • Winter recreation includes easy access to snowmobiling, cross country skiing, and sledding.